Let Your Blog Be Your Wishlist 2017+

Uups …. got things for Xmas you really don’t like? A friend of mine recently posted on FB saying to his wife that he likes a certain gadget.

There are apps out in the App Store to manage your wish lists, Amazon allows you to have public and private lists.

People who are looking for special things for me can definitely use my blog πŸ˜‚ when looking for a birthday or Xmas gift.

For example some sneakers from Philippe Model are alsways welcome. Size 45.

Peach Up Your Life 17

Bow ties had their comeback 2015. What you definitely need for spring and summer 2017 is pieces in peach. Like this bow tie. 

You may wear it with a peach pocket square and the blue jacket, brown shoes and white pants of going to a summer party – or do it the more casual was as on my pic with jeans shirt (All Saints) and leather biker jacket (Diesel).

Subscription Is For All Industries – Happy Holidays

Using this blog, costs me a small fee every month and it was easy to sign up for this. Software companies such as Informatica have moved to offer their data management solutions with pay as you go in the cloud or other subscription offerings. I signed up for Amazon Prime as it brings me access to their movies and fast delivery. What is  your story?

But what about retailers and brands of all industries? How can they move to recurring revenue with subscription offers? 

My first deal I made was the Glossy Box for my wife about two years back. It brings joy to my wife every month with you beauty products and it brings a yearly prepaid revenue to them. With most of these services, you can chose for different payment terms and contracts durations, which obviously have impact on the price.

Funny thing from the December box was the lip stick πŸ’„ from “MDM Flow”. True in this case, MDM does not stand for master data management, but I found this funny, as MDM is one of the solutions I care about in my job and MDM is used by large brands in all industries to understand the relationships across customers, products, contracts, locations and more to drive better customer experience and much more.

Friends, please keep the flow in 2017 and happy holidays to all of you! 🌲🍾🌈

Tile – Testing the Internet of Things

My great colleague Thomas Brence sent me a cool Xmas gift, Tile Slim. The small chip claims to be “the thin powerful way to find your things”.

They offer three types of chips you can out in your wallet, tag to your key or travel luggage. You can also use the chip to find your mobile phone. I will starting using it now and will write more about my experience.

What has that to do with the Internet of Things (IoT)? I can recommend to read the blog from Rob Karel who explained this to his mom.

Shopofu’s Promise: Matching You with Brands that Suit Your Style


Shopofu is announced to come in 2017. They started to follow and retweet me on social, which is nice. Their promise is to deliver hand selected fashion offers that match your style and deliver this to your mobile device for shopping. I tell you friends, I signed up to see how this will evolve.

Understanding my style definitly requires to learn about me and my behavior. Which styles and brands do I like? What pics and vidoes to I share? What are my click streams? What words do I search for? Β Which orders do I return, which do I keep? This all will require collecting a lot data, and then connecting all the data the right way. This starts with information about me, my address, my houeshold, my social media, and then connecting this with information about fashion brands, products and looks. Will they be able to analyze my social pics to understand what I like?

Clearly the world of todays big data and master data solutions, provides the capabilities to solve all that.

I am not hesistant sharing my personal preferences and data with them, as long as they use is trustfully (data security is becoming more and more important) and they use it to deliver relevant offers too me.

Socks That Color Up Your LifeΒ 

A lot of people ask me about my socks. I do not leave house without colored socks. Here comes my new catch, which I found via Facebook: Jimmy Lion. I am sure this sponsored post was targeted on my social behavior. I follow and like several fashion brands and post content too. A proof point that digital targeting works. While some people in my home country (guess which) are very concerned about it, I appreciate this as the promotion was relevant to me. πŸ‘πŸ‘ž

+++ added January 4, 2017 +++

I had to update this blog with a new chapter of the story. Please check our my video:

Thank you very much @Steffi, for the nice socks.

As she was able to understand my style and pereferences from behavior on Facebook, what potential does this have for any company selling and services and products? Only tricky thing is they have to collect a lot information, get customer permission and finally tranform this in actionable campaigns to win new clients or realize up sell potential.

Sun Glasses & Social Search

I cannot pass any sun glasses shop without trying on some glasses. Do you? My favorite brands in these days are Ferragamo, Moscot and Dolce & Gabbana. Tom Ford, RayBan in 2nd row.

Top left is a black matt D&G seen at Engelhorn shop Frankfurt airport. Exclusive product for this store, where the brand is not allowing to sell as mass via the web shop.


A few hours after posting this I decided to add this update:

Facebook interaction delivered this feedback. I call this “SR – Social Reality” or “Social Search”. It has a notion of AR/ VR but with real feedback from my FB friends. FB? Not Snapchat? … I am soooo old school.

Rocket Man or Moon Raker

Inspired by my favorite business fashion brand Suit Supply and their fall winter campaign I took some pics at San Carlos Airport in California. Being a big fan of James Bond classics πŸŽ₯ I was thinking of Moon Raker with Roger More. By the way all things I were are delivered as look by their Box Service who communicates with me over WhatsApp.

PS: They don’t pay me for writing this. Maybe they should 😜, knowing about my social influence and potential network of new clients.